Garden Retreat, painting details
What: Enjoy an enchanting day experiencing beautiful and unique landscapes in Chicago’s south suburbs. To delight even further, each garden will have a working artist creating art inspired by their environment. Garden Walkers are encouraged to stop and watch the artists. Art created during the garden walk will also be on exhibit at Union Street Gallery in August, 2014.
When: Saturday July 12th | 9am-3pm rain or shine.
Where: I will be painting from 12-3pm in the garden of The Elvery Estate, the home of Glenna & Dudley Elvery, 20050 Western Ave., Olympia Fields (Garden is #6). There are 9 gardens located in Homewood, Flossmoor, Olympia Fields, Chicago Heights, Park Forest, and Crete. This is more of a “garden drive” than a walk, so transportation is necessary.
Garden Walk Tickets: This event is a fundraiser for Union Street Gallery, a not-for-profit art center where I am a juried gallery guild member. Tickets can be purchased online, over the phone, or at the gallery: $20 in advance | $25 day of the walk Tickets are also available for sale at Art 4 Soul in Homewood & The Egg & I Restaurant in Chicago Heights. The gallery opens at 8:30am July 12 for ticket sales & additional tickets will be available for sale at each garden. Link for tickets is at Union Street Gallery Art Walk tickets

I’m looking forward to painting at The Elvery Estate. I am an architect as well as an artist, and am a great admirer of Frank Lloyd Wright. So the opportunity to paint on the grounds of this Prairie style building is especially inspiring for me. The hospitable owners, Glenna & Dudley Elvery, have often made their home available for benefits. As the Chicago Tribune notes, “It was important to the Elverys to make their house environmentally friendly and energy-efficient, beginning with the siting. ‘We worked around the trees,’ said Glenna. ‘We removed 17 dead ones and added lots of new ones.’ “ Link to Tribune article is Chicago Tribune: Elvery Estate
This event is well worth a visit. Hope to see you there. If you have questions or need more information, you can contact me at leon.sarantos@gmail.com or call 773 288 1944.
You can see more of my landscape art at this link