Botany Pond
I was pleased to learn that my painting of Botony Pond won first prize at the South Side Impressions Group Exhibit at the Beverly Art Center in Chicago. This cityscape painting is part of my series of art focused on the University of Chicago Quadrangle.
Midwest Regional Art: South Side Impressions Exhibit
The exhibit features regional art from the Midwest, especially Chicago’s South Side, and focuses on: “Artistic impressions of what the South Side means … people, landmarks, nature, culture or attitudes and more. This exhibit aims to showcase the fascinating and diverse world of the South Side of Chicago.”
I was impressed by the diversity and quality of the art at this exhibit. Darrin Patton won 2nd prize for his painting, Sweet Home Chicago – Red River.
There were many intriguing photographs as well. Daniel Linehan won 3rd prize for his photograph, Waiting for a Bite.
Purchases Benefit Beverly Art Center
Part of the art sales will benefit the Beverly Art Center, at 2407 W. 111th Street (corner of 111th street and Western Avenue), about 20 minutes from the Loop in Chicago’s historic Beverly Hills/Morgan Park neighborhood. The exhibit continues until March 31, 2011.
I enjoyed seeing art focused on the South Side of Chicago. I am a resident of Hyde Park and really appreciate the local sights and scenes. I was happy to find my that my art was in good company. I really liked a lot of the other artwork, and will blog some more about the exhibit soon.