My Organic Creatures series in Mad World Exhibit

The Mad World exhibit features art that is absurd, surreal, and simply MAD! Mad World displays art by 33 artists from 11 different states. Some of the art on exhibit depicts bizarre or imagined worlds, crazy structures not bound by the laws of the gravity, whimsical inventions, and strangely absurd scenarios that appear to be straight out of fantasy or science fiction! “Mad World” will be on display from until April 6. Union Street Gallery located at 1527 Otto Blvd, Chicago Heights, IL 60411.

My “Organic Creatures” paintings combine a feeling of whimsy with a sense of bizarre absurdity. For the first of these artworks, Organic Creatures Going To The Beach, I actually envisioned it in an instant behind my eyelids as I was rubbing my eyes after some tiring work. I tried to apply the image to canvas immediately, adding all kinds of color and quick composition, while keeping the main figures true to my vision. When finished, I looked at the painting and felt that here were some strange creatures doing something, and sensed that they were on their way to the beach. I then created more oils of this same family of creatures moving about in different settings. My other
paintings for this exhibit include Organic Creatures Taking The White House Tour, and Organic Creatures Slurping Up A Mango Smoothie.

Exhibiting artists include: Bruce Alves, Charmaine Banach, Ho Baron, Jesse Berlin, Christina Chavira, Evelyn Davis-Walker, Karen De Pirro, June Finnegan, Shelly Hokanson, Anders Johnson, Mark Kennedy, Sarah Krupp, Michael McNicholas, Jenny Meyer, Joe Milosevich, Jennifer Moore, Chris Motley, Lucy Mueller, Erinn Nordeman, Erik Ohrn, Shane Rodems, Stephan Roll, Don Sala, Leon Sarantos, David Simcik, Carrie Spencer, Nathan Taves, Colin Thomas, Jason Walker, Amanda Wood, Jee Yoon, Fotios Zemenides , John Zilewicz.
For more about Union Street Gallery visit
or call 708-754-2601.
To see more of my abstract art, check out: